Seaweed is not really a "food" for plants, but a tonic that protects at a cellular level. Molasses is useless, there is no scientific value to it and it does not provide any real benefit to your plant. It is an "old wives tale" that should have gone the way of the dinosaurs a long time ago. Sugar is water soluble whereas cannabinoids are oil based, so the theory of giving sugar to feed the sugar (trichomes) is extremely flawed. Molasses/sugar may benefit soil microbes slightly, but any decent source of fulvic acid, humic acid or amino acids will provide those soil microbes with ten times more benefit.
Your plants leaves look fine to me, with no real issues that scream "help", but I would be stopping the molasses and would bet your plant will be healthier. I wouldn't worry about anything else, your pictures in your diary show a healthy and happy plant that is doing what it is supposed to do. If you are new to growing cannabis, the fear of failure or a feeling of uncertainty may cause a mild "panic" that there is something wrong or you may not be doing everything perfectly, but cannabis is a remarkably resilient plant that will still grow beautiful flowers even if not growing in the Garden of Eden. Growing is all about enjoying oneself and not a competition of who can grow the most perfect plants. Keep up your current care routine, maybe add a dedicated flowering nutrient now that they have begun flowering, and I am sure you will be successfully harvesting soon enough. To me, your plants look fine, with no real issues. Sometimes trying to fix something that doesn't really need fixing, can end up causing more trouble than had everything been left alone.
Hope this helps,.... Organoman.