Fill bottom 2 inches of jagged rocks. Rocks with many colors. Then fill with1.5 inches of sand of different colors don't use white sand. Water the sand so it fills the voids of the rocks. You don't want air pockets. Then have a mix of clay,sand of many colors and peat. This mix should only be 25% peat . Add that to the bucket so its just over half full and mist it moist. Then mix up peat,sand,,compost and steer manure equal amounts. Fill the rest of the bucket. Cover with straw. Water it slowly so the bucket is nice and wet. Let it do its thing for a few days. Move straw away and plant creeping lavender as a cover crop. sprinkle the straw back over. Later transplant a rooted autoflower plant from a solo cup (473ml). Plant should be at least 3 weeks old. Gl😎