
I feed my plant water and molasses it the leaves w...

Fatzoe15145started grow question 3 years ago
I feed my plant water and molasses it the leaves went limp my humid about 60 temp around 80
Leaves. Curl down
Organomananswered grow question 3 years ago
Molasses is BS and I would recommend not using it, ever! It may feed some soil microbes a little, but giving your plant fulvic acid, humic acid or amino acids (or all 3 for best results) and this will do 10,000 times more benefit for your soil microbes. The idea of feeding sugar (molasses) to make sugar (trichomes) is an urban myth started by hippies 50 years ago and should have died out as a joke about 49 years ago. Meanwhile, there are a lot of people getting rich selling expensive sugar water! Water your plant again, to run off, with plain water only and your plant should recover soon enough. You may have to do a mini flush to get rid of the mucky molasses from your plants substrate though, or water each day with plain water (only) for 3-4 days, or until the plant picks up and before resuming a feeding schedule, without molasses of course! Hope this helps,............. Organoman.
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