
When to start feeding nutrients?

Tubington9started grow question 3 years ago
When should i start feeding my seedlings micro doses of nutrients? Should i start 1/4, 1/2 strength?Two are right around 3 weeks from planting and one about 2 weeks (last one was popped because i thought one wasnt going to make it, reason for few days difference)
Feeding. Schedule
Hashyanswered grow question 3 years ago
In soil I would be tempted to start around 3 weeks. The soil I use is a light mix so doesn't have a lot of nutrition in it. If I was growing autos I would start at 1/4 strength but if its a photo I would start at 1/2 strength. Remember to get runoff and check the ph and ec of the last part of the runoff to see if its close to your input feed.
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Selected By The Grower
GrowCNanswered grow question 3 years ago
I would feeding at 1/4 strength when the plants get their third node.
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