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Coco watering

CortezKushstarted grow question 4 years ago
How often/how much is ideal water for coco coir? Example: 15L pot, 70/30 coco perlite. Aggressive veg. Should it be a daily matter? How many times if so? Is it bad to water coco in large quantities?
Feeding. Automatic systems
Feeding. Schedule
Feeding. Other
ChitownCannaChicaanswered grow question 4 years ago
The whole idea of coco is to pump them up as much as possible with as much food as possible. What stage are the plants in? After about week 3/4 of veg, you can push/water them hard.
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Selected By The Grower
Greenwolvesfarmeranswered grow question 4 years ago
Hola bro ! Aquí todo va de la mano con el tamaño de la maceta y la fase en que esté la planta , por ejemplo si cultivas en interior con led , aun asi el coco "retendrá" liquido y no secará por completo a diario , he leido que recomiendan siempre una porción 10 / 1 , si mi macetero es de 20lts riego con 2lts de agua ...o como mencionan los otros growers , hasta que escurra agua por abajo . En coco te recomiendo usar si o si "platos" para retener el agua y así alimentar a tus nenas .... Como tip puedes hacer uso de macetas tradicionales , pero haz muchos hoyos por abajo , casi dejandola como un "airpot" , luego el agua de riego la dejas en un recipiente que sea más profundo que la maceta , asi al momento de regar , comienza a darle lo máximo de agua desde abajo de la maceta , anda increíble ! .. saludos , ojala explicarme bien
TheReefineryanswered grow question 4 years ago
I water my coco enough to get a small amount of run off. Then will water again after the top has completely dried out..sometimes with an extra day to get some oxygen to the roots. But towards harvest I'll be reducing the quantities as she'll be wanting less
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EmeraldLakeCannabisanswered grow question 4 years ago
From my understanding you'd want to water/feed daily as coco is a very porous medium and drains quite well. I have a buddy who has great results doing even twice daily. Good luck with the grow!
Ezzjaybruhanswered grow question 4 years ago
Definitely recommend daily. I use 70/30 as well in similar pot sizes. Just once daily is fine as long as it’s not drying out. It drains so well that you really can’t overwater coco.. I dump 2-4 L a day on mine in flower. It’s a great medium that produces killer root systems and buds! Good luck
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