
seeds were result of a stressed (fem) plant pollin...

Kitties_and_Colasstarted grow question 3 years ago
seeds were result of a stressed (fem) plant pollinating another feminized plant, of the 16 seeds 2 have sprouted but VERY slowly (they look like most seeds after 24hrs but it's been 3 days) Question: are slow starting seeds indicative of weak genetics/weak plant?. waste of time?
Setup. Seeds
BostonGirlGrowsanswered grow question 3 years ago
I feel like this question is a two-parter so let me answer it as such. Since you know where the seeds came from and you have a better idea on their genetics that should be a sign to you that they are not viable, And that the plants grown from those seeds would be more likely to her me themselves. But the general question about whether slow starting seeds are worth it is a hard one. Because there are so many variables that come in to play. How old are the seeds? How are the seeds stored? What was your germination method? 🌱
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