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Seeds not germinated after 3 days

girlwhogrowsstarted grow question a year ago
It’s been 3 days in cotton pads and the others have atleast an inch of taproot so why are these ones struggling? How long to wait until planting in soil? I have them lightly moist Inbetween cotton pads with clingfilm wrapped over in and placed between two plates on warm console.
Setup. Seeds
Sit_Ubu_Sit_Good_Doganswered grow question a year ago
if you go this route, you wait until it 'germinates,' which means the seed has opened and a taproot has emerged. It is important that it never dries out but also isn't sopping wet all the time. that being said, I bet at least half would germinate if you just toss them in a cup of water. That is not a suggestion, just saying that seeds can germinate even in suboptimal environments, but dry = death at this early stage. 1" 2" taproot, then bury it. i don't do this method but that's easy to reference info from a cursory google or duckduckgo search. i'm not a fan of all these extra steps, exposure to light, and having to manhandle a recently germinated plant. While there's a slight learning curve to depth and how much to tamp down, direct in substrate is a sow it and forget it method with equal or better %-success. Also, there's rarely a need to irrigate the first 4-5 days, so you can leave it unmolested. Get it down and nearly everything sprouts within 3 days. Just have to get over not seeing it for 3-5 days. Roughly the same amount of growth will have occured, either way. Whether you see it happen or not, same germinatiom success rate.. probably a fraction better since it's less human interaction involved. New taproots are delicate. Keeping the substrate at 76F-80F (not sure of ceiling) will improve consistency of germination and sprout time. I grow in winter, and a heat mat was worth it. Not necessary in warmer regions or seasons. One with a thermostat+substrate probe, for sure... (best temps for a solid substrate may not be best for how you are germinating them). I only used one the last couple grow cycles, but kicking myself for not getting one before. Was the water in the cotton very cold? or, in a cold spce in general. "Seed germination is prevented by a light-sensitive mechanism based on the relative abundance of red and far-red perceived by phytochromes" --https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S0098847215000933 A seed just needs darkness and moisture..
m0useanswered grow question a year ago
Lotta good info from UBE, Just ingore his DM's about Scientology. Hes a bit of a wacko for that. I soak my seeds in water then place em in the dirt, it works for me mostly. the KISS method is just put em in the dirt. KEEP IT STUPID SIMPLE = KISS Also reach out to the breeder of the seeds and give them the heads up they did not pop. If its all one strain its weird. if its just some seeds from a buch of them not all seeds make it and the older the seed the longer the germination. Good Luck!
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CURATI_DA_SOLOanswered grow question a year ago
Io ho un tasso di germinabilità del 100%... 24 ore in acqua con tappetino riscaldante a 26c...dopo in una scatola di plastica chiusa in mezzo a due tovaglioli, quando vedi una radice bianca lunga almeno 1 cm lo metti in substrato o soil plug o jiffy.... Sconsiglio di mettere i semi direttamente in tovagliolo, perché ci vuole molto tempo affinché lui si possa "riempire" di acqua...e molto più veloce come ti ho scritto 😉
FuzzySnoutanswered grow question a year ago
It's a pity, but I would give up. I left my seed in a saucer on a kitchen countertop inside humid paper napkin. It opened in 12 hours or so and in 24 hours I could see taproot. No special light, temperature at night might might have been as low as 64ºF.
gottagrowsometimeanswered grow question a year ago
On 2 of seeds seeds I can see they've split Also the cling film needs to be able 2 breath as seeds need
ojetepelonanswered grow question a year ago
To germinate you need 4 things: 1)Dark enviroment 2)Oxygen inside de container (so use a big enough one) 3) temperature between 20-24 degrees 4) Enough humidity but not in excess The last 3 factors need to be sustained in time and without too much fluctuation. Hope you the best.
Organomananswered grow question a year ago
They need air......cling film is the problem.
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Grey_Wolfanswered grow question a year ago
sometimes they take up to a week or more dont let them sit too damp as they may soften and rot inside
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Ultravioletanswered grow question a year ago
Biologically what Initiates germination is red light, this is initial trigger. The shell must be made softer through the absorption of water and kept soft, rh cannot be allowed to fluctuate to dry for a certain period. This is why rh is kept high and steady. Also needs oxygen which is overlooked and can often be oversaturated with water wrapped in cling with no way to evaporate could possibly hinder.
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