Stress is good for ............ stress, not much else.
A happy, healthy and stress free life is best for everyone, cannabis included.
Stress will not cause the plant to produce more cannabinoids, only less due to having to fight the stress.
The more stress free a plants' life, the healthier it will be, and the healthier the plant, the more cannabinoids are of prime quality.
Trichomes are not a defence against stress, the trichomes serve to protect the unfertilized embryonic seeds.
A bit of LST is always good, but I am dead against defoliation, the plant needs every leaf it has to be able to make the energy she needs to grow her biggest and fastest.
Less leaves = less energy being made = less growth. It really is that simple.
Besides, if your plant did not need those leaves, it would not have grown them in the first place!
Next time ask first, chop later, - not chop first, ask later.
It is what it is, but I would not be removing any more leaves and giving your plant a stress free as possible life, for her to be able to grow her happiest flowers.
Hope this helps, Organoman.