technically, the trichomes inform better about potency... amber is thca breaking down into something that will make you sleepy.
i like to use a combination of trichomes and observe pistils/calyxes.
with trichomes, you have layers upon layers of calyxes.. so if you could scop the inside, i gaurantee it is more mature on older growth, for obvious reasons of age differences.. so, it's still a good mix of "art" to read trichomes... near top, middle, bottom will hve different rates of maturation too.
In a smaller garden, i'd consider a staggered harvest at any time... logistics of doing it twice in a larger garden may have some negatives to overcome with space and where things go and different stages of drying happening concurrently. So, can always take off top colas and let rest simmer a bit longer.. I wouldn't take more than 7, maybe 10, days in a staggered harvest just to be double safe that there is no time for the stress to cause any male bits to grow - if they do, it'd be impossible the stress from staggered grow could be cause.
if not familiar, i'd suggest trying earl, mid, late harvests and anything between -- use google and opinions here for a good ballpark, but experiment until you find what you like... after a few grows you'll have a good system down and greater familiarity of what to look for and what you prefer.