Increase biobloom to 2ml NPK 1,9%, 6,9% 4,1%, till is an autoflower plant she will need more P and K at this point
Increase biogrow to 1ml NPK 4% (2,3% organic 1,5% NH4 0,2% NO3) 3% 6% The organic nitrogen need to be degraded by bacteria and mycos in soil, so is a slow release form of N, the NH4 need to be degradated again by the roots to NO3 to be fully asimiable by the plant so use the dosage recomended by schelude.
you can keep top-max at the dosage you're is fine.
till 3,5%N 8%P 8%K is a good point to tease the plant uptake and biobloom have less K the add of biogrow is necesary to balance to this point.
I hope you find this info useful.