
Dence buds

Growladyeastmidlandsstarted grow question 3 years ago
My G13.haze is in week 9 flowering and the buds don't seem to be getting dence. I know she can take upto 14 weeks flowering am I being silly cos she's big girl I just want to know when she will fatten out please any help be good
Plant. Other
IbeBryBryanswered grow question 3 years ago
Hard to tell with the blurple lights on them. Check your trichomes under 30x-60x at the least. Also on your seeded bud, you'll most likely have seeds in all your plants as one eithier 1) was a male and pollinated the females before eradication or 2) one or more became hermaphrodite and pollinated the plants. They are totally still able to be grown and smoked, it'll just be sub par compared to simisillia buds. Make sure to clean your grow area well before the next grow to help prevent cross contamination of the pollen from the male plants/females that Hermed. Best luck growmie
Growladyeastmidlandsanswered grow question 3 years ago
Help me please on closer inspection shes full of seeds and so I have removed her from the tent but I have 8 other plants in the same tent will they be ok or should I scrap and start again new to this problem and worry about the other plants has they doing so well
Organomananswered grow question 3 years ago
Haze plants are usually more airy.
Growladyeastmidlandsanswered grow question 3 years ago
I got 3 other plants different strains that's all dence fat buds so don't think it's the lights that's a problem really but fingers crossed she fatten put in next 5 weeks she's lovely and the other 3 doing great so all good happy Christmas and growing
Papa_Tanswered grow question 3 years ago
You know my Pineapple skunk didn’t really fatten up until the last three weeks really. By the end she couldn’t even hold herself up anymore. It could be down to genetics. LED lights from what I understand also don’t produce as dense nuggs as an HPS light would so that is also a factor. But if you’ve got 5 weeks to go I think you just need to wait out and she may pack on later. If not then all you can do accept your true outcome and take whatever she has to give and enjoy your harvest regardless. Hope that helps. Merry Christmas Growlady 🎄🤙
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