Female..........male flowers grow on small stems.
If you are keen, go to week 7 in my diary "cannabis conundrums" and you will find pictures that I have posted of both male and female pre-flowers/primordia as well as many other weird and interesting cannabis things.
Yeah as CULTIVATORFROG says. I believe those are female calyces you've photographed there. Tear shaped, pointy, no balls. It really is very early and so I could be wrong, but I am about 85% sure those are female.
Hola !!! Todavia no muetra su sexo. Pero espera un poco mas. Las pelotitas en las hembra se llaman calices y salen pelitos blabcos de su interior. Animos para mi va a ser hembra. Suerte
Bit early, but that looks female to me. Those are not balls they are female preflowers, male preflowers are balls, are almost completely spherical. Those structures you see there are tear shaped and 2 white pistils will likely pop out of those soon.