65%RH? where is the monitor in the tent? top bottom 65% at the canopy of such a small plant would be insanely high for a plant with leaves, high humidity is only useful until the seedling has first set of leaves then humidity should be dropped immediately, once a seedling has developed a root system it will produce its first set of leaves, the high humidity is useful to allow the young seedling to manipulate soil and break top layers of soil, but anything over 60RH% and the leaves will start to close their stomata on back of leaves as the air is too thick with moisture essentially "drowning" the tiny plant's respiratory system this is in response to high RH, this breakdown in "breathing" grinds photosynthesis to a halt, no photosynthesis, everything grinds to a halt, I'd guess your plant is on strike until you reduce humidity to comfortable levels of 40-50%rh depending on the strain.