m0useanswered grow question 3 years ago Congrats on your first grow.
I would say the bigger the pot the better.
The root base of the plant will be one of the main factors on how big the plant gets. bigger plants eat, drink and yield more.
Once the plant gets so big, its need of the real-estate in the pot will become higher. this will become more evident when its in flower and when its hot out, feeding and watering will become tricky especially as some plants feed differently and the medium will become dry and depleted faster.
not to say you can't plant multiple plants in one pot, just be ready for surprises if you do and its not big enough.
autoflower min pot size 1gal - max pot size 10gal - does NOT take well transplanting.
photoperiod min pot size 3gal - max pot size 50gal - takes well to transplanting.
I grow in 3-5 gal pots in doors for all varieties, I like how compact it keeps the plants in the tent. Outdoors though, I'd aim for around 8gal for autos. and 30gal for photos or grow them in the earth.
best of luck