
Would you use nutes in “water from seed to harvest” soil

lyteshostarted grow question 2 years ago
I am using seed to harvest soil w/ nutrients. Wont need to add additional nutrients..however, what are your thoughts on utilizing the 3 main Ocean Forests nutes for veg and flower boost? Dont want to burn or stress my plants, but I do want maximum effort and potential Thanks all!
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Feeding. Other
GrowCNanswered grow question 2 years ago
You say you will not need to add nutrients... then you ask about using nutrients??? So which way do you want to go? Then, Ocean Forest is a variety of potting soil produced by Fox Farms not a nutrient family. If considering Fox Farm nutrients which ones are you looking at? Dry or liquid? While I like Fox Farms Ocean Forest potting soil a lot I do not like their fertilizers. There are other fertilizers available both liquid and dry that do a better job providing micronutrients and especially calcium and magnesium. If your soil is Ocean Forest then you will definetely need additional nutrients beginning around week 3-5. For my soil grows I mix 3 parts Ocean Forest to 1 part pearlite. We do not know your soil so it is impossible to say if you will need additional nutrients. This website ( ) is very helpful spotting nutrient problems. Keep an eye on your plants as they grow and let your plants tell you what they need and when.
Ezzjaybruhanswered grow question 2 years ago
Not sure what ocean forest 3 part you’re talking about? Fox farm 3 part? Anyways no, I probably wouldn’t recommend that until they show signs of needing it. That soil likely won’t make it thru the entire grow so you may need some towards the end but if it’s a solid soil you won’t wanna feed for several weeks
m0useanswered grow question 2 years ago
If I'm reading this correctly. Your going to being growing from seed Your going to be using soil as your medium your not going to need any extra nutrients, but are curious about adding some from Ocean Forest?? If this in a container/Inside a tent in doors, you will need extra nutrients. Soil is not that abundant that you wont need anything. So Ocean Forest could be a great option to start with as the soil of choice. If this is outdoors grown in the earth. you can use whatever you want. I recommend manures and composts vs salt based fertilizers as they build up in the soil and destroy its microbial life. Since Oceans Forest is the soil/medium. It will need more feed down the road about a month in. they have a lot of fertilizers but a feeding program might be easier. Best of luck.
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