Well it's either 1 of 2 things. N tox, for the PPM reading you are saying and if you are mixing 5ml/l that is wayyy too much. That or it's caused by the heat in the tent being too high. Anything over 28c over a l9ng period 9f time will do that. But it could be q case of the 2 factors. As your leafs look very shiny and dark green. And 5ml/l would give a ppm reading of about 9-1300 pal. A 2ml/l gives me a reading of around 400. Half strength is 1ml/l not 5ml buddy. You are using DWC also right. You only need 1/3 of what you would normally feed. But 1 thing I can tell you is your TDS is not 350. Sure tap water is around 150-200 so 5ml/l would be way too high bud.