Hey buddy. Well it's I can tell you it's not the environment, over/under watering. Your problem is down below. Lift up the pot and see if it feel lighter/heavier. Make sure if there is any overwaterinh that the substrate isn't blocking the drainage holes. Other than that, it's possible just a bad seed that's weak, or has root rot. With so many sisters being ok and just that 1 droopy it's the only thing that makes sense. If I were you, cause you have so many. Uppot it again or just repot with just root stim or so something that breaks down root rot like tarantula, there are many root washers, stims out there.
I think a lot of ppl forget. What goes on down below is actually more important than what's going on with the top.
Do some investigating down below to find out what's happening above
Good luck bro.