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How much water 4-5th week in..?

NHAutoGrowstarted grow question 3 years ago
This is my first EVER cannabis grow ! I am super excited to see how she turns out !! She is Russian Cream Assassin from Nukeheads.com ! Any tips on proper amount of water to be feeding ? I am doing 500mL every 3 days…
Week 1
Feeding. Schedule
GrowingGrannieanswered grow question 3 years ago
You've got me puzzled... your diary says she's a week old and 16" in height - so something isn't right. As far as how much to water her, I would suggest that you don't need a MEASUREMENT... you need to feel the pot. And you don't need a SCHEDULE, you need the pot and the plant to TELL you when they need something. You need to wait until the pot is super lightweight before giving her any water or nutes - and then give her what you think is a good amount and be done. If she's asking for something every day, particularly at this point in her life, you're not giving her enough... if she's not asking for something for a week, you're probably drowning her. If, as your question suggests, she's in her 4th or 5th week, she's going to need some bloom nutes now. You can start reducing the amount of grow nutes you're giving as autoflowers don't like a lot of nitrogen when they're in flower and will react badly... I'd cut the grow nutes in half and add whatever bloom nutes you're going to be using. Just "listen" to your plant, and do as she bids! Good luck!
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Selected By The Grower
CollieBuddzanswered grow question 3 years ago
Wie kommst du auf 500ml alle 3 Tage? Man gießt in der Regel 1/3 des Topfvolumens. Auch nicht direkt alles auf einmal, sonst läuft es einfach durch ohne die Erde vernünftig mit Wasser zu sättigen. Wenn Deine Erde furztrocken ist, erstmal nur leicht befeuchten das die Erde wieder fähig wird Wasser aufzunehmen. Dann in mehreren kleinen Schritten gießen bis Drain unten rausläuft. Jetzt kannste den Topf entweder auf Waage stelle oder schaust wann sie wieder die Blätter hängen lässt um zu gießen.
gottagrowsometimeanswered grow question 3 years ago
Yeah, if you let you soil dry out too much you'll notice when you pour water on them it'll pass right through your substrate. If you put your pot under a plate and any extra water like that will quickly be taken back up into the plant again. As for watering. Well, that can vary depending on your environment, heat and of course RH. (Y RH, if you have high RH during flowering your plant will be tricked into thinking that it has enough fluid and will take less in and you'll be hit with defs and no know why. So sorry but no 1 can give you a solid answer as to how much water exactly you need. A lot of factors come into play bro.. Good way to tell is by the weight of your pot. Generally soil is every 2 days but again depending on your soil (if it's a light mix) or if it's coco you can water as much as you want. The 500ml every 3 days. Hmmm, I highly doubt that's enough. But it'll really come down to your RH and temps. And A good feeding of cal will help nutrient uptake. But you'll know if it's too dry if the water comes out the end really quickly, but a drip tray will help with that. Also test your soil. Scrape a bit away and if it's dusty past 1-2inches and you can keep going down without hitting moist soil then you need to water. Again, it's something you'll have to figure out. Dif environments and all that have a big affect on water/nutrient uptake. Feel free to DM me if you want detailed info on watering, and watching out for the signs and so on. Or I suggest you find yourself an experienced grower to give you some mentoring. That's what I did. Cause I found asking Q and getting lots of different ppls opnions messed me up more then it helped me. Good luck
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crimsonechoanswered grow question 3 years ago
proper amount of water is the water that saturates your medium. you water the medium and plant takes up water from the medium. there are several dangers of not saturating your medium everytime and most apparent one is that peat becomes hydrophobic when it dries and then the water you pour on it just runs around and the medium doesnt hold any water. another drawback of not saturating the medium is that roots dont grow into dry medium. if you dont saturate the medium everytime you water your root system will not develop as well. so a good watering practise is to soak the medium, saturate it everytime you water and wait for the pot to get significantly lighter before watering again. you have to water very slowly and get a tiny bit of runoff ideally.
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