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El_argentinostarted grow question 3 years ago
Es una carencia?
Leaves. Color - Mottling
gottagrowsometimeanswered grow question 3 years ago
Crap I forgot to add the link. It's a good bit down. But again just type in that def and you'll find lots of sites that go into it and why and how to fix this was the 1st that popped that I notice is a reliable site. https://howtogrowmarijuana.com/marijuana-symptoms/#Nutrient_Deficiencies Good luck hope this helped some.
Chow_13answered grow question 3 years ago
I would agree with Grannie, Your feeding to much which is causing a nutrient lockout. Flush and feed with a lower dose.
GrowingGrannieanswered grow question 3 years ago
For some reason, I think you have a serious iron deficiency with this one plant... she is exhibiting all the symptoms - and iron deficiency comes from your PH being above 7.0. I can't tell you why the OTHER plants are not showing this but perhaps they will start to soon.... It doesn't matter, though - you've got to get your PH under control with her and probably all your other plants. My mantra on this subject to EVERYONE is that you should invest in a PH pen as it is the single most important tool you can have for any grow. I prefer Apera as it's just as good as (but cheaper than) Blue Lab. If you don't have one, get one NOW. You can't rely on strips or drops of tester fluid in a small vial and trying to match colors to a printed chart... those are WILDLY inaccurate for weed purposes. What you need to do here is to flush her out - that means running ph'd water through her to clear out all the nutrients and salt build ups and get her PH back into proper range (6.0-6.5). You want to run 3x the water as the pot size so if you're growing in a 3 gallon, you should run 9 gallons of ph'd water through her. In the last gallon of water, add your nutes but at 1/2 strength... and let her dry out before resuming your normal water/feed/water/feed schedule. No matter what you're giving your plants, you should always make sure the PH is in the proper range! Good luck - I think this is easily solved and she'll be ok!
Sup3rNov4answered grow question 3 years ago
That sir is a mutant it will grow fine and look epic
Lushgaiaanswered grow question 3 years ago
I’ve had a Girl Scout cookies done something similar but turned entirely bright shade of blonde almost white with no issues, growing happy by the end of the harvest it turned back green and finished off very good, I’d keep an eye on it just to see if it gets upset in anyway other than Colour like growth stunt burned crispy leaves wilting etc
crimsonechoanswered grow question 3 years ago
gottagrowsometime if this comp was based on merit you wouldnt be even in it so fuck off now please :D
gottagrowsometimeanswered grow question 3 years ago
I'm not worried. I'm not the one who's going around and questioning ppls answers that are linked to diaries so you can score a point. I leave my answers and then the growers to pick. If I was doing what you were, you'd be way behind. And yeah, I am saying that. Cause clearly if you are going behind ppls answers and if they are linked to a diary you just shoot ppl down so you can score the point. And of course doing that puts your answer in a more favour light cause no 1 does what you do as much. Yeah ppl reply to some bat shit crazy answers. But my answers must not be that bad if I'm behind you and BTW another thing. I only started 2 weeks ago if I started when you guys did as I bowed out 3 times losing 4 picked answrss nor was I answering so I don't need to do what you do. Anyways man, whatever way you wanna take the win idc at this point. I'm doing this for a friend as he can't get the seeds he wants as they only that collection to the EU. So it's ppl like you that ruined this. If you know so much y do you feel the need to go behind everyone with an attached diary and dis their comments instead of letting the grower who asked the Q pick instead of being led to pick an answer cause no1 bothers to do what you do on such a scale. Man how much time do you have to go over all the questions over and over again. Cause I only go back over some to see how much more you trying to get a win. For some1 who goes where they are needed you are on here an awful lot for a few seeds. Anyways this is my last message to u. I'm done at this point trying to talk to u or even get constructive help. Peace and troll away. I'm done with u. Sorry about this shit on your page pal. Anyways look up what in put up and go through and cross examine and you should be able to make up your own mind as that normally is the case here. Don't think he's got the message yet. Good luck pal hope you get some answers and you can go through and find which answer coincides with what you are seeing on the ground Happy growing man.
crimsonechoanswered grow question 3 years ago
you know what bud i’m not gonna even do this anymore. sure its molybdenum deficiency lets see how it works out for the op. op i suggest opening his link and browsing through every single deficiency in there and decide if its molybdenum or not for yourself. i dont want to flood your question with non-answers. peace
gottagrowsometimeanswered grow question 3 years ago
And BTW I said immobile nutrients show up on newer growth mobile nutrients show up on older growth. And I was talking about the white stuff that shows up on lower growth in the vains ( chlorosis) and you'll see signs in the newer growth. The old growth i was referring to the chlorosis and that does shop in zinc on the lower growth its a by product, its a sign to cross examine to rule out or in what it is. I poxy know the dif between immobile and mobile nutrients. Man you really are sad. Great you help ppl but to get your Q you have no prob trying to make a fool out of some1 who doesn't have as much knowledge as you but you might have knowledge but the way you treat ppl and the way you go about trying to score Q by belittling or trying to dismiss others Q is sad. Can't you let the grower who's asking the questions read what ppl right and go through the signs and then pick. But no, you are trying to make your answers stick, but only to Q where you can score points. You never put anything up in response to other ppls answers if there's no points in it for u. We are here to help not score points by trying to get the ppl asking the Q to try and pick yours. Really sad. Seriously man stop and answer your Q and poxy stop dogging what I put up cause you do it to no 1 else unless you feel put out by them. And I'm not the only 1 to see it neither. If you didn't just put up your smart ass answer and making it so you can only be right instead of letting the growers who are actually looking at the plants and are able to make a call by the signs we give them. What your doing is making them short sighted by making it look as though you are the only one that's right. If you are such a know all why do you need to stop ppls answers in there tracks if you are right then your answer will be picked on its merits not by the way you try and steer them to pick your answers.
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gottagrowsometimeanswered grow question 3 years ago
Also when the question is answered and meets your approval you like other growers rather than me. It just shows how desperate you are or at best how put out you are for me trying to help. And you go by and constantly putting up stuff and the omg crap really it's getting a little desperate now.
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gottagrowsometimeanswered grow question 3 years ago
ooo. Man. Would u please stop. Look at the funking def. Just because it has some guidelines as to what can happen doesn't mean it will happen in that exact same way. That's like saying only calmag spots come up a certain way. Plants act dif. Man seriously stop poxy questioning me. If you have a dif answer put it up you don't have to try belittle me to try not get my answers picked. You are ALWAYS QUESTIONING MY ANSWERS AND SOME OF THE BAT SHIT CRAZY STUFF PPL PUT UP YOU SAY NOTHING. OR YOU SAY NOTHING WHEN THE IT ISN'T ATTACHED TO A DISRY CAUSE YOU CAN'T SCORE A POINT. REALLY IF YOU HAVE all this knowledge I really don't c y you feel so put out by me you have to answer back to every single thing I put up if is related to possibly getting picked for an answer. Really so desperate.
gottagrowsometimeanswered grow question 3 years ago
Okay here some details or I might just send you the link and you can go through it and you'll know with your setup what would have trig it. Paraphrasing. "Effects of Molybdenum Deficiency The symptoms will start with middle leaves that turn yellow. The signs of the deficiency will move toward the sprouts and younger leaves as they grow warped and coiled. Leaves might also turn pale and have a charred look. Their growth will be significantly set back and older leaves that have experienced chlorosis, will have rolled leaves, slowed growth, and reddish tips that curl inward." Anyways heres what I could get for you. But if you just type in that def the name above you'll find a whole host of sites that explain it better. Yes, I spend time researching, I highly suggest and grower starting out brush up on leaf sym that way when you see stuff it'll click once you go through the dif sym.. and you'll learn the signs as some defs look like others but if you go through what little things that are different with each nutrient def it'll help you better define which it is. Good luck pal.
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gottagrowsometimeanswered grow question 3 years ago
Okay. You are in luck. I have been brushing up and I remember this one because of the color. The name of it, is 'Molybdenum deficiencie, it usually present when there are also insufficient amounts of sulfur and phosphorus, and that's the by product of the Molybdenum deficiency. I'll try find more details and a fix for you. I can't remember but let me look now I know what it is will only take me a few mins to get a possible fix.
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