This is nitrogen toxicity and I would do a flush... you need to get the soil cleaned out of the excess nutes. What that means is you need to run 9 gallons of ph'd water through each of your 3 gallon pots... make sure that water is ph'd between 6.0 and 6.5... add 1/4 tsp Grow Big and 3 tsp of Big Bloom (she's going to be needing bloom nutes and this doesn't contain any nitrogen)... then sit back and wait for her to dry out completely before watering her again. When you resume feeding, don't give her any more Grow Big... it's really potent and has caused me more headaches than I care to talk about... substitute some Tiger Bloom instead as this has a trace of nitrogen but a lot of bloom nutes as well - and keep up with lots of Big Bloom (by the time my ladies are this age, they're getting 6 tsp Big Bloom and 1 tsp Tiger Bloom - once they're in flower, those amounts are upped to 9 tsp and 2 tsp respectively).
The only other thing I'll mention here is that it would be good if you could lower the PH to 6.2-6.3... it DOES make a difference... the ladies are going to need lots of calcium and potassium as well as phosphorus going forward and this is an ideal PH to maintain so the plant is able to absorb them.
Good luck.... if you do the flush and change up the amount of nitrogen they're getting and get lots of bloom nutes in there, you'll be amazed at how they will reward you!