
Should I Chop them and start over?

sacredgeometrystarted grow question 2 years ago
After transplanted to 5 gallon pots I top dressed with 5 tablespoons of down to earth 4-4-4. I watered with compost tea made from only worm castings and kelp meal. I top dressed with the leftovers from making the tea. Now plants look sick. What did I do wrong? Should I start over
Leaves. Curl down
Leaves. Color - Yellow
Organomananswered grow question 2 years ago
Stressed out from growing at 24/0! 18/6 is optimal. All plants, cannabis included, NEED sleep to finish their photosynthesis cycle and therefore have a correctly functioning metabolism. A plant with an incorrectly functioning metabolism will NEVER be in peak health. If you transplanted into fresh, quality soil, your plants should be fine for a few weeks without the need for extra fertilizers. Remember too, in soil it is a schedule of plain water/plain water/feed/plain water/plain water/feed..... No need to start over, just stop the nutrients and only give plain water for a week or so and things should be fine, the plant needs to use up what is already there, before any new nutrients are added. I personally don't see the need to flush with huge amounts of water, this just kills your soil. Both the worm castings and kelp meal can't burn your plants, it is the 4-4-4 you added on top of the fresh soil that is the issue. Also, for future reference, you should always let your plants recover for a week or so from transplanting before giving them anything. Hope this helps, Organoman.
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Anonymous_2022answered grow question 2 years ago
Give it a week to bounce back as its probably in shock if you’ve just reported it regarding the drooping, Looks like it’s drawing a bit of nutrition from your lower leaves which could be completely normal depending on the genetics but make sure its getting sufficient bloom/flower feed and it will be fine, Try not to over water 💦 No need to start again, keep going 💪 Good luck 🌱
Weird_Jimmyanswered grow question 2 years ago
Never take grow advice from stoners.
GrowingGrannieanswered grow question 2 years ago
So this is your Snow Cap - and you transplanted as I had suggested the last time you had an issue - but you're STILL feeding it with the 4-4-4 which has too much nitrogen in it! You're getting another lockout now and beginning, again, another calcium deficiency because of it. You'll have to flush these plants and get rid of the nutrients you have given them - 15 gallons of pH'd water through each pot, in the last gallon, put 1/2 strength BLOOM nutes... not your grow nutes... the bloom nutes will get the plant ready for your 12/12 flip (and will be lower in nitrogen)... She'll pull through... just stop giving so much nitrogen! :-D Good luck!
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