Wish you had a diary for this one! Sometimes, red stems just go with the genetics but not this time, I'm afraid... the red stems are indicating a lot of stress - and from the color of the leaves, I would say they've gotten way too much nitrogen... so you've got a toxicity, not a deficiency... If you had a diary and I could take a look at the nutes you're giving her, I could make some specific suggestions - all I can do without the diary is to tell you I think you need to do a flush as they are REALLY dark green and that much nitrogen is going to cause a calcium deficiency in the near future. After you flush and let her dry out, reduce all heavy-nitrogen nutes by 3/4 and the rest of any nutes by 1/2 for the first feed... going forward, you can take the other nutes back up to what they were but cut the heavy-nitrogen ones in half and leave them there...
Good luck! (and please, start a diary!)