Nothing you can do to "make things go faster", but keepingh her warm at night would help a little bit, but it all comes down to day length and the amount of direct sunlight your plant is receiving.
If it is in a pot, consider moving her to a sunnier spot........if she is in the ground, nothing much you can do.
Covering her with a tent/frame of plastic sheeting to keep her warm at night will keep her metabolism going a bit faster, aiding growth.
Even placing some bricks/large stone/rocks near her stem to absorb heat during the day that can then reflect heat back at night will help a bit.
Stopping feeding may also encourage her to finish more decisively.....if the going is too good, she may just want to keep re-vegging.
Next year you may want to consider growing plants with a high percentage of Indica genes, these generally finish much earlier, usually by the end of September or early October at the latest.