Am i safe to wait as long as it takes for some brown trichomes or does that not always happen? Right now, 99% white triches, what am i waiting for? Can this grow get any better at this point? Can you loose terpines by harvesting too l;ate? Can they get bigger?
The moment they start turning amber is when peak levels are on a decline. You will just loose a bit of potency pulling to late but also gain in aroma ripeness. Sounds like you’re ready to harvest. Enjoy
If it is all white get it chopped, most potent time. Amber is when THC degrades, you wont lose terpene profile if you harvest soon, for sure but you will lose kicking power if you wait for it to all go amber
If you like the head high like a good sativa then harvest now and enjoy it. If you want some sedation effects with flavor and aroma then let her get nice and ripe. I personally favor a 70-30 ratio to 80-20