Same strain different growth rates and patterns. One plant is shorter and wider while the other plant is taller. Basically the same amount of leaves.
The shorter and wider plant was repotted a week sooner in cycle. Could that be the reason? Or genetics?
Ciao! Diciamo che sì, potrebbe essere che la settimana in più ha permesso alla pianta di "sentire" prima di avere più terra, ingrossandosi più facilmente:) ma tieni conto che essendo nate da seme, potrebbe essere semplicemente una questione di pheno :) se la differenza rimane abbastanza simile per tutta la crescita, allora è il pheno, se rimangono simili allora era solo il rinvaso
When you grow from seed you are going to have observable differences in plants.
Many refer to these as different phenotypes of the same variety or strain.
Totally normal.
It is going to be due to genetics, it sounds like you have different phenotypes. When talking about smell, taste, color, shape, and potency, it is always the phenotype that is at work.