
Nutrition burn after starting TriPart nutrients.

DojaMonstarted grow question 2 years ago
I didn't pH-correct the water initially, and the coco coir had a pH of about 5.5-6.5 and in the first week I only used tap water which had pH of 8. The burn only started after I began adding nutrient mix to all 3 plants but only this 1 was affected. I stopped nutes. how to fix?
Week 2
Leaves. Edges burnt
m0useanswered grow question 2 years ago
Fix by monitoring your PH going in and the runoff coming out, can do the same with the EC or also known as the nutrition solution strength. PH and EC go hand in hand when growing in soil less mediums. I would also recommend some Calcium and Magnesium when growing with coir as they rob the soil of it when they decompose slowly over time. I use tap water for all my growing needs and its fine, I grow in soil and PH it down to 6.5, your in soil less and may need a lower ph of aorund 5.8-6.2 Best Of Luck!
FUCK_FastBudsanswered grow question 2 years ago
Check with city water supply website to see if chlorine or chloramine is used. Both are bad for our plants and microbials in the substrate. If chlorine, bubble it for 24hrs uncovered to gas it out. The ph will drop to 7-7.5 and stabilize. Much less PH down needed then and less chance for a drift. If they use chloramine, filtration is needed to get it out. Reverse osmosis works great, but it strips minerals that are beneficial as well. Most nute companies formulate on tap water with those trace elements. So if you go the RO route.. add the beneficials back prior to watering/feeding. Definitely want to flush your media with PH'd (and gassed) water. Waiting few days, then continue with nutes. 1/4 to 1/2 strength for autoflowers. Dont feed every watering. Best to start low and slowly ramp the PPM up if she shows no signs of nute burn. Wish you the best, happy growing 🤙
iLoveGoodWeedanswered grow question 2 years ago
Im also using the tripart nuts from terra (GHE) and I only add 0.5ml/L so I think you add a bit too much 1ml/L (I know the chart is showing to add 1ml/L). I would leave her and add 5L ph water to flush a bit and see how she will react in next few days. See below my diarie with tripart nuts.
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GrowingGrannieanswered grow question 2 years ago
Yeah, autoflowers don't like a lot of nutes and actually do much better with NO nutes until they're 2 or 3 weeks old.... so I'll echo what everyone else has said - flush them out and then start your nutes in about a week with 1/4 to 1/2 strength. You can even add your bloom nutes at that time as well since autoflowers can go into pre-flower anywhere starting from week 3 onward... but usually not later than week 4 or 5. As they go into flower, you're going to want to reduce your grow nutes or any nutes that have a strong nitrogen content as they don't like a whole lot of that in flower... They're pretty finicky.... And it's a VERY rare autoflower that will tolerate full strength nutes at any stage of their life... so don't go by the feeding chart as those are all written for folks who are growing photoperiods. Good luck!
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Chow_13answered grow question 2 years ago
Your in coco so you can not over water. So flush it with 3* your pot size of PH balanced water. This will get rid of the nutrients. Collect the last bit if runoff and test the pH. Continue to flush until the runoff PH is correct l. Then feed with your corrected amount of food. I would start at 0.3ml/L and go from there. Happy Growing
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Mr_Weeds_Autosanswered grow question 2 years ago
Hey Growmie, What you want to do as soon as possible, is flush your growing medium out with clean, pH-balanced water. When returning to regular feeding, use only 1/4 strength to avoid burning again.
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