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Hey guys I found a male that I really like and wan...

603growerstarted grow question 2 years ago
Hey guys I found a male that I really like and want to get some pollen off of it but don’t wanna ruin my grow any experience on flowering and them with minimal air exchange. Thinking about doing it in a cupboard on the other side of the house
Plant. Other
Ezzjaybruhanswered grow question 2 years ago
I’m not sure if you’re talking about collecting pollen for future use or actually pollinating a female with it.. If you wanna just collect pollen with little worry - what I’ve done is waited til the male pollen sacs are there but right when that first lower one opens and spills some pollen, chop it and hang it upside down over some tin foil or another something you can collect easily from. As it dies all those sacs will open up and drop pollen.. not the most efficient way to collect BUT as you probably know - ya don’t need much for a few chucks of the old pollen on some girls. Other thing I’ve done when I’m actually pollinating a female and want to be as safe as possible around other females is I’ll do the pollination in the shower.. go in every day for 3 days and hit the same stigmas.. or the whole plant if you can afford to.. then just spray it all down after 3 days or so.. whole shower and the plants. Can put em right back with other flowering females after and they’ll be safe. Another thing I’ve found breeding/pollen chucking.. is solo cup clones are perfect for just a few hundred seeds. Take cuts and root in solos and flower them and hit em.. I got two or three hundred off a 8” solo cup plant..
TimmyPanswered grow question 2 years ago
Once it produces pollen and begins to open up, use a new, small artist paint brush and carefully use the brush to carefully dust the female, now in flower, to transfer the male genetics to pollinate the female. You can save male pollen by putting a small zip lock bag over the male blooms. Not too tight so condensation doesn't form. Leave during the day and carefully shake at night to collect the pollen. Cut the ends off the ziplock and use a razor blade to scoop all the pollen into a small container. Use the brush method as you need to further pollinate other clones. Note: if your clones are in flower and you use pollen from another variety, if successful, the pollinated clone will produce seeds and YOU will have a brand new strain with the traits of both. Good luck. I've done this several times and it works. IF your pollen gets damp in the bag, collect it as before and put a desiccant from a pill bottle in it to dry it! TimmyP
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Bonedaleorganixanswered grow question 2 years ago
Go to buildasoil YouTube and they have a recent episode in season 4 about pollen chucking. Shows about risks and collection etc.
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Organomananswered grow question 2 years ago
Easily done,,,,,,,,,just remember, seeds take from 4-5 weeks to mature properly after pollen application, so either pick the lowest most immature flowers to pollinate.... this way you can harvest the top, unseeded portion of the plant first and then leave the lower section to finish the seed maturation..........or keep the pollen for your next grow. This is easy to do, just seperate out the pollen from the plant material, let it dry for 7-10 days then store in a sealed jar in a cool and dark place and it will keep for many months. Do not store the pollen in the fridge, this can reduce its effectiveness dramatically in my experience. Applying the pollen using a very small paintbrush to the earliest flowers with fresh, new white pistils is best, just a few pollinated flowers can provide 100s of seeds if done correctly. If you live in a mild climate, letting your male flower outside could be another option, they don't need much heat or light to produce viable flowers and lots of pollen.
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CULTIVATORFROGanswered grow question 2 years ago
Hola !!! Exelente opcion , trata de extraer tu polen en un lugar donde no se deaparrame. Suerte
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