if you think the soil is not longer contributing much or you jsut want to simpliy and aim for most consistent, even if slightly wasteful, path.... then, i'd fertilizer each time with 10-15% runoff... what little remains in teh soil will quickly reach the level of concentration you feed within a few irrigations, if some extra remains. Keep eye on plant... any hint of toxicity and slow that oll.. mix in a water-only irrigation with minimal runoff if mino and 15-20% if fast pogressing tox symptoms.
essentially you'd be treating it just like a soilless gow.. assuming substate is roughly near what you feed in concentration, the 10% runoff will compensate for any evapoation-caused elecation of EC. i.e. no buildup over time... assuming mix is spot on, will be zero issues. if the mix needs adjustment you also know the substate will quickly shift with just a little extra runoff to hasten it... changes you make will go into effect very fast.
otherwise, the more trial and error path just invovled slowly ramping up what you feed.. you want minimal runoff and only to ensure the entire pot gets wet each irrigations.. .dry pockets are a potential risk over time. depending on concentration you feed you may want to alternate or every third fo fertilizing (bsically any resulting mix far greater than 1.5EC will more than likely need somem water-only irrigation(s) between)... or slowly amp up to a low 1.3-1.5ec as you compensate for soil's loss of initial charge of nutes and you can feed every irrigation... maybe a bit less than 1.3-1.5 EC if no runoff, though.
without runoff need to consider what remains when adding more. with runoff takes care of that but is more wasteful.. up to you.. both can wok just fine.