
fan leaves flowering

coma777started grow question 2 years ago
fan leaves started to turn both yellow and spotted brown, what could be? it's week 9 out of 12/13 when I'm planning to harvest, so it's mid-late flowering. sugar leaves and buds look green and nice, just a little purple on leaves and stem but I think it's genetic
Week 9
Leaves. Color - Yellow
Leaves. Color - Dark-purple
Leaves. Color - Dark-brown
coma777answered grow question 2 years ago
yep, I was already thinking of adding cal-mag, and so done, I'm not really checking the ph cause I'm doing organic, and on the label says is ph adjusted already.. but last week I was concerned and I already gave them some more acid water.. I flushed them lightly, and hope this help and for the next watering I'm giving pure water and cal mag and we'll see. anyway the yellowing and browning isn't proceeding for now and it's limited on lower fan leaves so I'm not too worried
Dutchmonkeyanswered grow question 2 years ago
Question is so gottagrowsometime can scam a contest.
gottagrowsometimeanswered grow question 2 years ago
It's hard to see with that burb light. She does look healthy. The stuff you are using. Pull back on it for a week. And water. Get a cal mag. Or cal powder and Epsom salts (make sure there's no smellies in with the salt. Needs to be pure, can't have lavender in it) But my guess is mag. So cut feed just water as if she's locked. You'll see after a few days very light yellowing. (No need to hard flush) as if that's not the issue then you'll push your plant into finishing too early. So just keep a close eye on her with water feeds. And she should unlock herself. Add cal mag . If your water rates at 100ppm add 150-200 of calmag to bring your total ppm (water +calmag) to 250-300ppm.. this can be done while still watching to see if your v plants are locked. Try keep all fert/water feeds in the same PH. if you have no ph- a small drop of vin or lemon juice. Like very very small drop to bring your PH down to match your Fert feed. Good luck
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gottagrowsometimeanswered grow question 2 years ago
Hey Pal. So I've went thru diary. Try giving a few straight feeds off mag. If you have any Epsom salt it'll help. As I think the purple is partly fade but you do have an issue. Prob due to it been locked out. Or just not enough mag. So, let it dry out after a heavy watering And mag tat lady. Look to stems that are still green. If she is still needing more your stems (that aren't under a or been covered by light, cause that's just P) if the backs of your leads turning purple or your main stem its a mag issues 100%.. I'll scan thru your diary and if I notice anything else that could be the cost I'll add to this ok
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Anonymous_2022answered grow question 2 years ago
Hi there I would check your PH pen is in correct range and if so drop it down abit 6.2-6.3 Looks like a Cal/Mag issue from what i can see … Biobizz do a Calmag id defo add some to your feeding schedule, Best of luck 🌱
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CULTIVATORFROGanswered grow question 2 years ago
Hola !!!! Para mi es un bloqueo de nutrientes por sobrefertilizacion. Trata de lavar tus raices. Suerte
m0useanswered grow question 2 years ago
The images look like a phosphorus and or calcium issue to me, the spotting is whats giving me that clue. But it could be something else. Do you know the EC of the solution your feeding with? Or its run off if your collecting any? Try and get some more info. Your potting mix is boibizz all mix and is composed mainly of peat with some castings and compost mixed in. best to keep PH aorund 6.3-6.4 as its mainly soiless., Good Luck!
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