
Brown spots, light green leaves?

GracelessGardensstarted grow question a year ago
Any ideas? It's only happening to the sativa in my tent. The 2 indica's are fine . Been using 6.4pH clean water the last 2 waterings and letting it dry out good in between. Calcium deficiency??
Leaves. Color - Dark-brown
Whiteybulger1814answered grow question a year ago
I think ya might past the deficiency and on the mend, keep a eye on other leaves...If it happens again treat for phosphorus deficiency could be from ph issue, temp lower then 15c stressful conditions or lockout bu it's notn lockout they look really healthy other wise.... How to treat First, balance pH (Hydro: 5.8, Soil 6.0 - 6.9) or re-apply nutrient mix if necessary. Organic Solutions: • Bat Guano • Bone Meal • Crab Shell • Crab Meal Inorganic Solutions: • PK Boost Supplements • Phosphoric Acid (Soluble Phosphorus however raises pH quite a bit)
Ezzjaybruhanswered grow question a year ago
Whiteys got some good suggestions.. “Sativas” can he lower feeders. Not need as much. This could be excesses locking out a bit of the cal or others. I wouldn’t do anything drastic right now tho. It appears to be thirsty as hell in the pics. You want to dry the medium but not be to the point of serious wilting.
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