
Looking for opinions

Whiteybulger1814started grow question a year ago
Ok Not a Question but more a discussion....Who is a wet trimmer and why and Who's a dry trimmer and why...Pros and Cons of each...Ive done both and im curious what others think..
Other. Other
NegotiatedBubbleanswered grow question a year ago
Depends on my drying and curing regiment. Currently, I cure on stick using 65 F degrees and 60% RH for 11+ days. With this setup I can afford to wet trim as I am not concerned about the buds drying out too quickly.
growpro44answered grow question a year ago
Wet trimming in a bowl for example goes waaaaay faster but the bud loses some of its shine. Dry trimming takes waaaay longer but the bud stays a lot better👍🏻
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Elbernaweedanswered grow question a year ago
En mi caso me gusta podar a mano con buenas tijeras!!arrancar las hojas más grandes los dos o tres últimos días, Después intento podar lo mínimo dependiendo de la variedad ,solo dejando las hojas de azúcar y algunas pequeñas que cuando se secan se curvan protegiendo el cogollo y los tricomas de la luz y del tacto cuando los tocamos con las manos! A medida que voy consumiéndola voy limpiándola, guardando los restos de hojitas para extracción! Otras veces la podo completamente sacando asta las hojas de azúcar,que las guardo también para hacer extracción! dejando cero hojas para que el cogollo tenga un aspecto más atractivo! No me gusta podar es seco porque a mi parecer se pierde mucha resina!! Es mi humilde opinión!!🙏 que bueno intercambiar ideas amigos!! Un saludo y mucha suerte con sus cultivos!!👋😎👍 🍀 🍀 🍀
HerbalEduanswered grow question a year ago
wet trim for me, here a good article with the pro and con of each method:
UnorthadoxDudeanswered grow question a year ago
Hey mate, perspective of a beginner here. My first grow I wet trimmed. My second series of grows I intend to dry trim. I struggle with raising humidity and so I want to dry untrimmed to slow the process down. I was not really happy with the way the dry or cure went with the wet trim so I am going to try it the other way.
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m0useanswered grow question a year ago
Done both, prefer dry for convenience, I enjoy wet for the results as the buds tend to look a bit better but take me way more time. I also use a silicone brush for my dry trimming, so easy. but only works on buds that are dense, not effective on larfy nugs still need trimmers for that shit, if anything wet trim larfy stuff. Never used a machine but heard dense nugs work best.
Whiteybulger1814answered grow question a year ago
I've done wet trim and I'm mean alot of wet trim over the years and I did a bit of dry trimming the last couple times and I found that dry trimming seems to knock off alot of trycombs and I feel that if they were wet they would stay in the buds and I wouldn't lose them..I had a friend of mine send me some pics today of his dry trimming of 4 beautiful plants and he used a trim bin and I was shocked to see all that keef and I just feel that he wasted alot of goodness that could have been left on the on the buds...It really made me think about what I want to do next time...Thats for sure...
gREEn7o0answered grow question a year ago
I personally wet trim. I feel like it's a faster, less delicate procedure for me. Don't have to trim as close so I can power through more flower quicker. Then once it is dry it kinda finishes the trimming job for me as it gets bumped around between burping, curing, playing with it, the stuff I missed get knocked off anyways.
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Candoganswered grow question a year ago
I wet trim all by hand. break it all down to single branches .I hate leafy flower and dry trim makes some leafy shit .pain in ass to trim off .most flower I see on here I would have to trim it before I would smoke it
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Growstickanswered grow question a year ago
I've tried both over the years but I now do a two-part trim. I take off all the fan leaves - big and small - when I cut the plants down. I do this because the leaves carry a lot of moisture which which both increases the total drying time and makes the room itself more moist than it needs to be. Then I hang and dry the plants. Once dry, I then complete the trim. If I'm being lazy I'll use a trim bag (so it has to be dry for this anyway). If not I'll do it all by hand using "Chikamasa" scissors. I do the final trim it after it's dried because it's so much less sticky and gunky and overall less fiddly than when it's fresh. I use a trim bin for any hand cutting in the dry stage to collect the kief - another reason to do it dry for me, as I like to make extracts.
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