Howdy. Unless there is extreme heat involved, the older pistils turning brown and drying out is a normal process. The pistils function is to catch pollen for the fertilisation of the embryonic seed located at the base of the pistils, whereby the pollen is more or less the plant equivalent of sperm in animals. After pollen lands on the pistil(s), the pollen grain(s) will send out a sort of root (pollen tube) that grows down the pistil to reach and then fertilise the "baby" seed inside the calyx - sometimes referred to as a "pod" on/in Cannabis plants. Once this occurs, the pistil withers, having done its job of catching pollen and the seed will begin to grow inside the calyx,. When there is no pollen, the plant will grow more and more calyxes in an attempt to get "pregnant". This results in the large flowers we commonly refer to as "sinsemilla", which translates as "without seed". The older pistils drying out and turning brown can be likened to menopause in mammals, whereby the calyx in question is no longer able to grow a seed successfully, just as a female mammal is too old to get pregnant. Again, thinking about it in human terms, the calyx is basically a womb to hold the growing embryo (seed). It is thought that the reason Cannabis has/exudes resin trichomes is supposedly to break up the sunlight and prevent the calyx from over-heating and "cooking" the embryonic seed inside while waiting for pollination to occur. The fact that the resin is psychoactive, is just a bonus for us humans! Hope this helps.