paling from bottom-up on plant and tip-in on leaves? Nitrogen deficiency..
a suggestion -- get over the "everything is fine" when something is going wrong feelings... because clearly something is off. LOL. It's going to get in you way of properly deducing what is wrong if you never think what you do is wrong.
reatios and concentration are important. you may be spot on with some pre-ordained targetted concentration, but if not in proper ratio it's still going to cause problems. In soil this is a matter of trial and error and depends on variables that can be wildly different from one garden to the next depending on soil and products used in the soil.
Soilless is more precise in figuring this stuff out. if you do soilless, simply make use of a ppm calculator and start tracking upper/lower thrsholds when you see symptoms occor and avoid those thresholds in future .. or in the case of upper boundaries.. push them as best you can. you can do the same with soil over time, but it will take a bit more effort considering all the moving variables used.
it's good that you are staying on top of pH ... that makes diagnosing much simpler. Make sure description at beginning of this message matches progression of the symptoms, if so, it's pretty clear-cut nitro deficiency.. . do small bumps up because it's not a huge problem and most of what i see will heal itself unless you start seeing dead spots. yellowing will reverse. 5-10% bump to component with most N while not drasticalyl changing other things is best option. It's always good to have N isolated a bit among your fertilizers... some component you can affect withotu changing other things much is very useful, as N seems to be the thing most often adjusted, ime.