The Grow Awards 2025 🏆

Nutrients burn light burn

Whitey307started grow question 2 years ago
Hi all can anyone tell me if this is light burn or nutrients burn. I've marshydro ts1000 2x2 lowered light to 22 inches on 60 percent and upped nutrients from .05 to 1ml a litre so have moved light back to 25 inches 50 percent and flushed with water and calmag at ec 1.0 any ideas
Leaves. Tips - Burnt
CalyxHunteranswered grow question 2 years ago
Not light or nutrient burn. Yellowed tips can be a number of things and isn't necessarily a big deal. It could be a slight deficiency, an issue with root dryness or even roots getting anaerobic like sitting in a puddle for a bit too long. The irrigation dry/wet cycle is one of the most crucial aspects of the entire grow and something that takes practice while listening to the plants and watching what they are asking for. Your plant look healthy and I don't think you need to worry too much at this point.
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Selected By The Grower
CURATI_DA_SOLOanswered grow question 2 years ago
Sto crescendo il tuo stesso seme e posso assicurarti che lei e una grande mangiona! Io ho appena iniziato il flush ma fino a ieri mi beveva 3,5 litri di acqua con 2ml di pk13-14 +2ml di (micro-grow-bloom advanced nutrients) + tutta la gamma advanced nutrients di additivi 2 ml credimi come mangia lei non ho visto mangiare nessuna! Quindi posso dirti per esperienza personale prova ad alzare un poco le luci vedrai che crescerà alla grande! E se posso consigliarti, io aumenterei addirittura i nutrimenti per lei specialmente ora che sta entrando nella fioritura!!! Ti auguro un buon raccolto spero tu mi possa ascoltare perché credimi che ti troverai bene.... l'importante sarà lavare le radici 10 giorni prima del raccolto magari con un agente per flush, io farei così 5 giorni di solo enzimi (per accelerare il metabolismo) e successivamente flush(questo verso la fine), per adesso dovresti solo aggiungere nutrimenti non togliere, magari se ti trovi del pk 13-14 prova a darli una bella poppata a lei piacerà tantissimo! Avrai cime enormi, passa a vedere il mio diario, domani o dopodomani lo aggiornerò solo per te così che tu possa vedere come l'ho cresciuta! Qualsiasi domanda non esitare a scrivermi, lieto di aiutarti💪🏼🔥
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Organomananswered grow question 2 years ago
Over feeding..........plain and simple.
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Growstickanswered grow question 2 years ago
I tend to find that nutrient burn affects the leaf tips first, whereas light burn affects the sides of the leaves more. Not a 100% strict rule, but good for the majority of diagnoses. These plants look fine though from what I can see in the photos, I wouldn't worry. Just keep an eye out for progression (as always)! :)
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HyperactiveHighsanswered grow question 2 years ago
A good way to tell if it's light burn is if the stems of the leaves are changing to a dark purple, that typically means too much light and not enough CO2 for the plant to use all that light. Could be early signs of nutrient burn but it could also be due to soil pH shifting out of acceptable range. Overall your plants look very healthy though and for now I don't think you should worry. If it continues to spread over the next few days then you should get alarmed, and at that point it'll likely be due to nutrient lockout or something.
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UnkleSkunkanswered grow question 2 years ago
stai tranquilla quelle piante sono belle sane ,nessuna bruciatura da luce o da nutrimenti anzi io azzarderei ad aumentare leggermente la fertilizzazione a me sembra un po' di carenza ma veramente minima le punte piu chiare o bruciate sono sintomo sia di carenza o di eccesso dipende quanto fertilizzante è stato dato e dal colore delle foglie un verde intenso indica un eccesso di azoto anche lo spessore delle foglie ha importanza piu sono spesse piu hanno immagazzinato acqua
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ironf1stanswered grow question 2 years ago
Yo bro, im a noob myself right before harvest but in my opinion it looks like a nutrient burn, if it was light, all the sides would curl up, not only the tips. I've checked your diary and the auto strains are a bit more finicky when it comes to nutrient feedings, less is more. If I was you in that situation, after my initial mistakes, I wouldn't have upped the nutrient feeding. Next time, look for the leaves, if they start to show deficiencies, put in the same Amount again, if it doesn't fix it, put in a bit more next time. I have one automatic in my tent aswell, and if I gave it the same treatment as the photos (which are 1 month older), I think it would have been wrecked by now. I'm not using any EC meters tho, just "feel" it.
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