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What type/size pot should i use

GANTRONstarted grow question 2 years ago
What size pot should i use and should it be a regular pot or these fabric pots?
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Ctrellis90answered grow question 2 years ago
Well now. I really prefer to use fabric pots because of how they give your plants roots the best breathing out of any pot I've tried so far. Your plants root ball will literally be the entire pot by the end of your grow if you use fabric!(plus the right growing medium) I see you're growing a photoperiod so I recommend starting in like a 2 liter pot or one gallon for the first 3-4 weeks then transfer to your forever home. I would go with 5-10 gallons for her forever pot since you want plenty of growing room. You don't typically want to start photoperiod plants in a big pot. You want the roots to develop uniformly and tight. Get the most root for the space you have! It's opposite with autos as the grow fast, you want loose medium and lots of root space from the start. Hope this helps.
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Selected By The Grower
Natronaanswered grow question 2 years ago
Hi Gantron, really the choice of pots is yours. If you're growing autoflower, pot size of 3-5 gal is sufficient. Larger for photos. Both air pots and fabric pots allow for more air to the roots. I'm using airpots now but used fabric previously. Cost is a factor, air pots are expensive compared to fabric or plastic. Plastic will last for years whereas fabric may only last for a few grow cycles.
RookieRooteranswered grow question 2 years ago
Fabric pots are amazing. Harder to pot up so should be final destination imo.
Staggerleeanswered grow question 2 years ago
I will tell you my experience when I started. I went right for the fabric pots, not knowing a thing other than what I read. It became a nightmare for me. I either had huge fungus gnat blooms or so dry it would stunt production. My next grow in a 2’x4’ tent I used 4 4-5 gallon plastic basic pot with a lot of drainage at the bottom and finding a watering routine was simple. I suggest you get the basic (not cheapest) equipment Lights, fans, carbon filter, tent, light, fox farm trio, a soil mix you get the picture. I found in the beginning if I focused on my watering schedule, feeding schedule and learning LST. Once I got that I started micromanaging my grow. Once you learn something it’s yours forever. Good lock
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UnkleSkunkanswered grow question 2 years ago
secondo me il vaso va deciso pensando al substrato e al tipo di pianta che si vuole fare e ai fertilizzanti che si vogliono usare un autofiorente normalmente bastano 11 litri indoor qualcosa di piu in out il vaso di tela è un ottima possibilita' e funzionano benissimo ma il riutilizzo è un po' piu complicato che uno in plastica, bisogna pulirlo e disinfettarlo molto bene perche nelle maglie possono resistere spore di funghi muffe o larve di qualcosa al contrario un vaso di plastica sara' piu facile da pulire tornando alle misure 11 litri indoor per una fotoperiodica con un mese di veg non hai problemi se invece vuoi fare scrog o qualche HST meglio un vaso piu grosso perche il tempo della vegetativa aumenta se utilizzi un supersoil ti ci va un vaso piu grande per contenere piu terriccio e fertilizzanti ed avere meno problemi in fioritura e cmq indoor superare i 20 litri secondo me è quasi inutile(esclusi i casi detti sopra ma estremizzati) dimenticavo se usi il coco i vasi possono essere molto piu piccoli io per le auto uso 3 o 6,5 litri
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Growstickanswered grow question 2 years ago
I always use square fabric pots with soil and they're great. They prevent the plants from becoming root bound, supply more oxygen to the roots and drain/dry out quicker, which cannabis prefers. Highly recommended. The pot size you need depends on the plant size you're aiming for and how long you plan to veg. Anything from 11L to 17L will do if you plan to a short veg and then flip - I use 16 or 17L pots when growing indoors with four photoperiod plants in a 120cm x 120cm (4ft x 4ft) space, and I usually veg for around 5 weeks. Come the end of the grow cycle, the pots are always filled with roots to every side and corner, and they look super healthy. I use 11L pots when growing autoflowers outdoors, as I want them to remain small and they generally don't need as much vegging time. I don't know what your grow space is like - if it's in a tent, what size the tent is, etc. - but if I assume it's an 80cm x 80cm x 1.8m grow tent with one plant in it, I would suggest using a 17-20L pot as this will grow a plant that easily fills an 80cm x 80cm canopy. If your space is larger than this, you may want an even larger plant and so you'd need a larger pot and more vegging time. If that's the case, go with something over 25L. Basically, your pot size will limit your plant size, but you also don't want a tiny plant sat in a massive pot, as that brings it's own watering difficulties. Good luck!
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