

Neroherostarted grow question 2 years ago
Is aiming for 60% humidity for the first 2/3 weeks a good idea? then drop to 50% mid veg and then obviously to 40 for flowering? , starting to get better at controlling the environment inside and ive got some smart plugs and wifi thermometer coming to control things
Setup. Other
CRiSPrGrowanswered grow question 2 years ago
hey there Nerohero, you can get even higher with noticeably great effect. At this age the plant hardly has any roots at all so it gets most of its moisture from the air. That's why you can even go to 90% + humidity and it will actually help quite a lot. try a humidity dome which locks in the humidity, you can even try spraying (with or without calmag or your root it 1mL/L) several times a day in the very beginning. start to back off a bit as time goes on and you get the first five pointed leafs. Hope this helps! 🚀
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Selected By The Grower
GanjaReaperanswered grow question 2 years ago
Hey NeroHero, You can even go for 85-90% if you want too, they will love it. I love to have that for the whole growing stage. When you go into flowering start with like 65 and end with like 45-50%, dont go to low because you can get diseases/molts and such. I see you are using Canna vega nutrients, i really like to grow with that as well. Make sure you are not giving to much since your plant(s) are still a seedling. If you have proper soil you don't have to feed that much in the first 2-3weeks besides water and like a root nutrient. TIP: since you like to use Canna, you should buy CANNA CURE, its a spray that you can use to spray your plants with ( only spray when the lights are off). It is really good for your leaves, it holds some nutrients and it is also good against many problems like insects or molts and more :) Have fun growing :)
Oozleanswered grow question 2 years ago
40% is kind of low for flower especially the first 3-4 weeks, but it also depends on your temps. If you have higher temps, then higher humidity is better for plant respiration. If your VPD is too low or high, you will see deficiencies due to improper VPD and think it is feed related. Only reason people recommend going so low at the end of flower is because they are worried about mold, but with good airflow you shouldn't see mold on the vast majority of strains until 65%+. If I am under 62% I have 0 worries of mold. Good luck!
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GrowingGrannieanswered grow question 2 years ago
Absolutely perfect plan... Go for it!! Good luck!
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