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Deficiency Week 5/6 Flower

TagX1started grow question 2 years ago
Can anyone help me pls For me it looks like a Calcium Deficiency but what do you think ? Any Master advice ? Thank you
Week 10
Leaves. Color - Yellow
Sciolistic_Steveanswered grow question 2 years ago
the red is senescence or colder night time temps... nothing to worry about.. aslo could be genetics. if temps drop below 68F it can exaggerate this coloration. if it's not moving up from bottom, it's possibly k-deficiency. but usually this would be more damage on the leaf tips. if it is moving up from bottom, it's N. seems a bit limited.. 2 bad looking leaves but the rest is small potato damage. verify pH but this doesn'tlook like a pH issue. make sure calcium is not too high as that can lock out K. can always use manic botanix nutrient ppm calculator to track individual ppm of each nutrient. over time you can learn what is too high or too low with high precision.
Selected By The Grower
Robertsanswered grow question 2 years ago
I would say from experience that this is a ph issue in substrate causing a lock out. Your plant is showing a few deficiency signs at once is what brings me to this conclusion. Also common in flowering since the plants tend to absorb lots of potassium, and phosphorus in this time. The phosphorus being absorbed controls the ph. So if the feed is toobstong or nor strong enough it will throw the ph out of mine fast. Would be my answer from years of experience. 🌱👍🏻
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Aldo90answered grow question 2 years ago
Give it some calmag and make sure the pH is what it's supposed to be. She's looking fine.
Gruenerfinger85answered grow question 2 years ago
Hallo ich gehe eher von einem Phosphor Mangel aus. Wenn du jemals trockene Blätter mit braunen Verfärbungen gesehen hast, dann hast du vielleicht selbst schon einmal Phosphormangel gesehen. Er kann auch rot/violette Zusammenballungen (oder tote Punkte) in den Blattstielen verursachen. Die Blätter können in der Folge einen dunkelblau/grünen Farbton annehmen.
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