depends on level of pollination.. nanners don't do significant damage, typically.. .buf if you saw an open pollen sac, that's potential catastrophe.
anything that doesn't involve pulverizing it would work well. i think a sieve (bubble hash) would be best for seeded weed. An oil or alcohol extraction would pull from the seeds too, but a sieve would not. your bubble would be the same quality as always with seeded weed, because it's purely off teh surface of the bud material, if done right, and not an extraction.
not sure if seeds soaking would add something gross or not, but definitely possible. anything that can dissolve into the solvent will be in your extraction when done, including what is contained in any seeds. rosin press would crack them open and any oil/moisture would add to the rosin. bubble is your best bet for zero issues, guaranteed. it may be less potent than it could have been which could impact yield but would do the same for all other options too.