
Mimosa auto yellowing

APGzzstarted grow question 2 years ago
Day 16 since planting seed. Mimosa auto. Yellowing to leaf edges. Any ideas what this could be and how to rectify please?
Leaves. Color - Yellow
Yebis42answered grow question 2 years ago
According to your nutrient schedule you are missing the basics, as you are using canna, you should add Terra Vega to the mix. Rhizotonic only helps roots. You need nitrogen and iron.
Sciolistic_Steveanswered grow question 2 years ago
you need to fertilize every irrigation in coco. i've yet to see any transplant shock in 150-some plants.. that's a small sample, but seems quite rare, nonetheless. so, i wouldn't worry so much about transplanting them. just don't disturb the rootball and it's no problem. so, start a well-balanced 1,3 to 1,5 EC feed and see how it reacts.. fine adjustments will be needed. i'd suggest starting somewhere near the ratio of 7-8-15 for vege. may need a 10% drop to N in bloom. those ratios plus your ca/mg/s will be in proper range at 1,3 to 1,5 ec total concenration. (nutrients only -- ignoring your tap water ppm's etc.. you can calculate this stuff with manic botanix online nutrient ppm calculator, if you want) track this stuff.. take notes of adjustments and when they occured, what you saw... over time you'll more easily hone it. by 2nd or third grow you'll have 95% immaculate plants from seed to harvest.
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GrowingGrannieanswered grow question 2 years ago
First of all, autoflowers should be planted in the pot they're going to finish in - transplanting is generally a no-no as it's pretty stressful for a plant and autos don't like stress of any kind. Second, it's about this time they're desperate for some good NPK nutrients... and all you're giving them is a root enhancer.. If these are peat pots (and I think they are), they should all go into much larger pots right now... minimum of 3 gallon... but do not remove the seedlings from the peat pot... tear off the top of the peat pots that are above the soil line and sink the pot into the new soil so the old soil is level with the new.... and give them a 1/4 strength dose of your NPK nutes... you won't see the yellow turning green but you should start to see some vigorous new growth that is... I'd also drop your pH to about 6 point 5.... Good luck...
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Ju_Bpsanswered grow question 2 years ago
Hey buddy, Can from too much watering, or too much light intensity or too close, I think about light, because look little burned
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