
Readiness for harvest

raveonputinsgravestarted grow question a year ago
Hey guys.So, as I see 80% of trichomes are milky, 1-2% brass, and others are transparent. Stigmas are still mostly white but the Seedsman shows all of them orange on their website. Will it gain more weight if I keep it for another 1-2 weeks or better chop-chop?
Week 13
Buds. Other
HansGoatanswered grow question a year ago
High bro, make sure that you check the trichomes on the buds not the ones on the sugar leaves (they ripen faster). And also check the trichomes from all the different parts from the bud. When 10% turned amber the plant is at full potency and ready for harvest! I would guess another week just keep checking the trichomes and keep up the good work the buds look amazing!
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Selected By The Grower
Staffeditionanswered grow question a year ago
Всем привет! Первое на что я обратил бы внимание, на аппетит этой малышки. Если количество применямых удорений и количество объёма воды не не уменьшается за сутки, то даже пока не думал бы о Harveste! Воторое судя по фото, я бы увеличио дозировку применямых удобрений на цветение в 1.5 раза. Еще 2-3 недели (минимум)
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Organomananswered grow question a year ago
Another10-14 days at least.............never believe advertising pictures!
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GardenOfTheRisingSunanswered grow question a year ago
I would leave them one more week until 10% of the trichomes become amber.
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Ezzjaybruhanswered grow question a year ago
Personally I’m letting that go another week or so.. keeping an eye on trichs. You can’t judge everything off one pic they have of the flower as the specific genetics of your seed dictate how your plant turns out, and there’s countless possibilities
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