
what is this greyish color on the 2nd plant leaves...

ActualGoodTimesstarted grow question 4 years ago
what is this greyish color on the 2nd plant leaves? they also seem kinda droopy. night air temp is 15 c,but her sister is fine with that. the 150 cfl might be a cause,she is kinda bushy so not much light reaches her inner leaves.
Week 8
Leaves. Curl down
Leaves. Color - Pale
HighRoller909answered grow question 4 years ago
it doesn't like LST apparently.might be N toxic as well but it doesnt seem to be serious.I don't think it is overwatered,it is just a fussy plant,just like most of the sativas out there.don't give too much bio grow to it and everything is fine.I have a plant running with same thing,it is a sativa too.this is because of its genetics.some seeds sprout different.
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ThrashedTV_BakedByGlazeanswered grow question 4 years ago
The generous feed/soil flush caused the drooping so it'll bounce back once it has some time to dry out a bit. Careful with the wet/15c dark periods as they could let mould/fungus grow which could be the greyish colour you see on one of your plants (especially if it is further away from any fans or intakes or overall ventilation is poor) Defoliation of the bushier fan leaves you mention help airflow, moisture control, and is preemptive action against any mould/fungus spread. If the grey spots start getting fuzzy or bubbling the leaves it's probably mould/fungus but I can't see any in the pictures. (If it ends up being fungus just grab some organic plant fungicide or plant soap to start) Hope it helps and best of luck! 👊
DWCHCanswered grow question 4 years ago
I believe you might be overwatering,. This can raise pH and cause cation lockout of nutrients. Let her dry out a bit, maybe skip a watering and keep an eye on her for top droopy leaves, this is too dry.. but you'll notice the limpyness before then. Slightly moist soil is best.. don't get this problem with deep water culture..cheers
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