
Yellow to brown leaves

Targonastarted grow question a year ago
Hello everyone. I'm asking for advice. For some time now I have had a problem with the leaves turning yellow and browning from their tips. The pH of the soil is around 6, the humidity in the tent is around 50% and the temperature is around 29°C. I give the nutrients the same way
Leaves. Color - Yellow
Leaves. Color - Dark-brown
Robertsanswered grow question a year ago
Nutrition burn. Brown curling in tips. Are they getting enough water overall would be another factor possibly.
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Selected By The Grower
hoooliananswered grow question a year ago
thats a goner! no more nutes for these
Sciolistic_Steveanswered grow question a year ago
did you change formulas heading into flower? start considering that as the cause. any change of formula may take severa weeks beore you see an issue... but when you do, attribute it to the change several weeks prior, assuming that's all you've dones since that point. feeding rate of provision vs rate of use (metabolism). you try to match it. the metabolism is driven by environemtnal factors like amount of light, temp, rh, ph etc. genetic variation exists but nothing as extreme as most perceive. you can find a formula tht works on 95% of plants. oddballs should be rare or nonexistent when you got it dialed in well. so, you may need some ebb and flow of what you feed, but it should be fairly consistent. and despite common urban myths, you still need mostly the same thigns in bloom as you do in vege. cells are still made of mostly the same thigns.. dna still needs the same stuff. the organells still need the same building blocks... very minor differences for buds and cessation of stem elongation/leaf growth. cellulous is 90% of the plant, lol, not counting water-- that's a guess but it's an educated one.
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Storkanswered grow question a year ago
For me, this looks like heat stress and light burn: try lowering the temperature in your tent for light burn download ppfd matter and check your DLI is around 30-40 or 500-1000 ppfd enjoy
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Organomananswered grow question a year ago
This is burning from giving too many nutrients or feeding too often...........or both. Basically, nutrient salt toxicity.
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JUNGLE_B4RNSanswered grow question a year ago
It’s called the senescence, it’s like the autumn fall. It’s normal, it means you didn’t nuke your plant with to many nutrients along its life cycle.
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