
What is the sex of this plant ??

NEEBZKstarted grow question 8 months ago
What is the sex of this plant ??
Week 4
Plant. Other
m0useanswered grow question 8 months ago
Guessing you are using regular seed and trying to sex them early. The plants are not showing anything that can be distinguished between male or female. This will only happen if they are switched into flower of a 12/12 photoperiod. Doing this and switching them back to 18/6 can cause undue stress but its one way of figuring it out right away assuming the plants are mature. Another way of sexing them is by just waiting. The males will show sex earlier then the females in my experience. Once the plants are mature "week4-6+" they should some pre-sex traits. Like pistils in the nodes but not enter flower. This means they are ready to be flipped to flower if your done training them. I found this when googling your strains name from the diary. Is this the breeder? Best Of Luck!
CULTIVATORFROGanswered grow question 8 months ago
En mi respuesta anterior lei mal su pregunta. Le vuelvo a responder, para saber el sexos de su planta tiene que es perar a que llegue el periodo de floración si es automática o cambiar a 12/12su fotoperiodo. O esperar a que llegue a su madurez sexual en después de las 4 semanas en fotoperiodicas
GreenHarvest_Officialanswered grow question 8 months ago
If your strain is a photoperiod, you need to switch the lights to 12/12 to initiate the flowering stage. If your strain is an autoflower, it might be a bit too soon to tell but luckily females tend to show their gender later
CULTIVATORFROGanswered grow question 8 months ago
Tu planta no tiene excesos. Tu planta tiene algunos pesiolos morado pero nada grave. Lo que te recomiendo que bajes un poco tu temperatura entre 2⁰ y 24⁰. Suerte
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