When they got dry did they wilt? If so, when were these submitted pictures taken? Were they taken shortly after you discovered they got dry and wilted, or are these pictures several hours after the fact and have been given water at a earlier time before the pix were taken?
Plants will wilt if you neglect them. You can bounce them back provided the root zone didn't dry out and get crispy. If your roots are all dried out, your plant is fucked. If the plant has wilted from lack of water but it's early stage and you catch it, you can water it and it will bounce back.
Reason i ask when the pix were taken, is because the soil in the pots looks wet. So 2 things I'm asking myself,
1. Is the wilt visible in the pictures, the result of under watering, and they have yet to bounce back?
2. Has it been several hours since watering, and the plants look like what you're showing us?
#1 is ok because they will rebound and continue. #2, is that they are now over watered and are oxygen deprived and are sad and wilty as a result.