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Enough fertalizer?

MrNiceZstarted grow question a year ago
11L Fabrice pots soil water ph6.5 ec 189ppm Day1 1l nutrient solution according to Biobizz recommendation 0.75l water Day2 - Day 3 1l water Biohaven algamic activera and microbes Day4- Day1 Andsowon Is this enough? Had a fiew yelow leaves in bloom week 6 now at the bottom
Feeding. Schedule
MrNiceZanswered grow question a year ago
But dose i have to messure the EC with fertalizer in water or ist the Value .48 EC to low for my Tap Water ?
Polyphemusanswered grow question a year ago
tds pens actually measure EC and convert to ppm -- the conversion can 1 of 3 or 4 scales, so the EC is more universal to use. From what you wrote, looks like a "500" scale which most people in the USA/Canada will also go by.. the equipment you have will dictate and that is somewhwat regional. .48 EC (some are /1000, but same digits, this is what i'm used to) is too low for sure. at thist late stage of the game. whatever the substrate was providing before, you are likely providing now almost entirely through fertilization. you'll find out soon.. deficiencies will creep in. Wouldn't be a bad learning experience to see where that lower threshold is so you can more easily avoid it in the future. So many variables go into how much and how frequently... inevitably it requires some trial and error on your part to get familiar with the tools you are choosing to use. soil has a lot of unkowns and can vary more than other options batch to batch. even when comfortable, you may need to make adjustments on the fly. vs. soilless where you control all of that and you get guaranteed analysis labels etc... the only one to blame for a problem in soilless/hydro is the person fomrulating the fertilizer. noblaming the inconsistencies of the soil products :P
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MrNiceZanswered grow question a year ago
And btw this is the value of the prepared water for the plants. Tap water+organic citiric acide = ph 6.5 I never messured ec with nutritions
MrNiceZanswered grow question a year ago
Thanks for the answer. since im net wo this maybe i haave overlocked this aspect EC-Wert in μS/cm (Micro-Siemens):484 EC-Wert in mS/cm (Milli-Siemens):0,484 PPM-500 Skala(TDS), Natriumchlorid-Messung:242 PPM-700 Skala, Kaliumchorid-Messung:338,8 so is this good or Bad ? Organic soil shouldnt care that much, right ? Alsow i have a Grow Diary ;)
m0useanswered grow question a year ago
189PPM is not enough food IMO. that would be aorund 0.3-0.4EC on a 500 scale. Just not enough food. Unless you mean EC is 1.89? then thats to much for a new plant. I'd also use EC vs PPM as PPM can be different by region, Eg some pens 500PPM=1EC others its 720 or 650=1EC, but 1EC always = 1EC Look at your Manuel for the pen or email the company and ask the rate it uses. I has to email about mine as nowhere in the product information does it say it uses a 500scale. Best to start a diary and track your grow, then you can upload pictures and link them to questions. Best Of Luck!
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