Don't stress over it too much cannabis can take P.H. as low as 4 - 9 as high before damage occurs
never had a problem running at 7 myself
if your that worried feed in at 6.1 the sort of recommended level see what your run of is then
you could fuss and fart about trying to get it right but you will always find a difference with the run off because of the growth mediums
"Don't stress over it too much cannabis can take P.H. as low as 4 - 9 as high before damage occurs never had a problem running at 7 myself".. Nothing I have ever read from other grower or numerous grow diaries says that running a ph of between 4-9 is okay PLEASE DO Not listen to this person.
I'm not sure about ph with dirt... But it looks like you got a bit of nitrogen toxicity. Those leaves look really dark and I see the tips look slightly "clawed"....
should be the same as you've been using.runoff ph means nothing unless you have a problem.I wouldn't care about it as plants look healthy.keep feeding same and runoff ph will drop in a healthy way as time passes,if that's what you want. no worries