The substrate is dry and someone told you it's from overwatering, lol.
definitely looks like a bit more nutes needed. Did you increase light recently? this could be too much light... definitely lacking drainage/aretion qualities in your substrate so that could be a contributing factor. watering habits are important, but they are simple.. just in case i'll go over it and compare your behaviour to eliminate it as a cause.
first, you want about 50% perlite or similar amendment in soil for good drainage and good o2 penetration for roots. This will make 'overwatering' virtually impossible unless you choose to run a constant stream of water throaugh it for 10+ minutes, lol.
Always water so that the entier medium gets wet. Dry pockets are bad. This is also important for how it dries and how roots turn toward the areas of most moisture -- physically built into the growth process and mindless. this way the mostly turn downward as opposed to a greater proportion growing superficially. superficialy roots exposed to light wil turn to stem. compaction will occur so roots at top are likely to get exposed with bad watering habits.
So you got the entire thing wet, maybe even a bit of runoff -- not necessary for soil all the time, but a little is okay. Limit runoff when things are agoing well because this simply wasts the nutrient charge that you paid for in that soil. When top 1" deep dries, repeat. Simple as that. when you have a build up of nutes causing toxicities in the plant, a little more runoff can help reduce nutrient content of the soil.
fertilization frequency wholey depends on how concentrated you mix it up... whether every other irrigation or every third or once a week...
more about personal preference, but you will get better results from more frequent, less concentrated applications.... this is a big reason why soilless/hydro grows are faster, as well as the type of ingredients that are 100% plant useable the moment they are dissolved, which is not the case for all soil nutrients.
it's smart to go slow and ramp up.. Much easier to add than try to take away from the medium. Keep up the trial and error... take soem notes about how you are mixing fertilizer each time so you can make a more infromed decision when something does come up. Within a few grows if it's not smooth from seed to harvest, then you can think about a little self-reflection on methods employed and how you went about improving it, because it didnt work :P -- no worries.. i'm sure you'll do fine.