Organomananswered grow question 10 months ago Your plants look way over fed.
Too much fertilizer during flowering will cause excessive leaf growth rather than bud growth.
Are you watering to run off each time you irrigate, if not, nutrient salts will build up in the coco and this might explain why your plants droop after feeding.
With coco, you should be aiming for approx 20% run off each time you irrigate to prevent salt build up, which can lead to a toxic conditions and even plant failure.
Irrigating with less than half a gallon in 3 gallon pots might be the problem.
If there is a build up of nutrient salts in the coco, this would show up as over feeding, as the nutrient become concentrated in the coco due to lack of run off.
Flushing your pots with plain water then making sure you get decent run off each time you feed in future, may improve things.
One thing is for sure, you should not be getting "leaf downturn" each time you feed........unless there already is a massive build up of salts in the coco.