
Making a grow upgrade!! Any tips for growing with supplemented CO2?

Papa_Tstarted grow question 3 months ago
I just ordered a CO2 controller and regulator, probably have that up n running sometime next week. Any tips out there about CO2 supplemented grow spaces? Temps, feed. I hear CO2 is less effective under 85 deg F. I’m still doing some research on my own. Welcoming your input.
gottagrowsometimeanswered grow question 3 months ago
Hey.. So, typically just enhance the fattening stage for CO2. Sealed Environment. So, tent in room. Close room door. But exhaust fan on for tent. 2-3weeks. 29-31c. You need great air movement around your plants leaves. As they help exchange tje o2 build up from the photosynthesis and you replace them with co2 (bubbles on your stomata vents). You will be able to hold a steady RH, if needed use a dehumidifier in your room with your tent left on a zoop. A large room is much easier to control. So you put a smaller tent in it on a zoop blowing o2 out from the top of your tent (exhaust it out from top) and by a negative seal the co2 stays lower on the ground. Items you'll need. Co2 meter/kit -350-500e Co2 2 weeks about 100e in a 10m2 room. Good RH/TEMP reader. 20L dehumidifier with compressor 4 fans at least 2 oscillating 1 duct fan Light with strong coverage min 1000ppd-1500ppf should be your coverage. So 480w light does 90cm2 most. Maybe you'll get away with a 120 if you go a with a 600w but ppfd, heat, kit as if u don't have 1. You won't know if your plants are in trouble. For 2 days my ppm was stuck at 950 without co2 injection. Needed a lot of fans, they need to move. Things like that can completely throw u off with co2. Your running on the edge of a plants Environment and u need to be on it Tbh, id look at getting some experience growing. Knowledge is power, but experience is key for growing To make it pay. Well, it'll take a lot of time since you asking about it. As all Environments are dif. Mine was 33-35c last summer so I'd no choice to get this stuff. Proleaf kit cost about 350 for basic 1
001100010010011110answered grow question 3 months ago
Tightly control your environment if you want to maximize the excess CO2. As far as temperature's effect, rate of photosynthesis caps out around or just below 30C (can verify this easily on web). This may or may not be the best temperature at all times. e.g. you may want 27-28C in late vege, for example. This depends on rate of loss and gain of teprs and trichomes vs rate of production. Definitely cannot determine that with our eyes. do what you want in that regard, but it's a guess without good data to support it. If you got a quarter million dollars worth of lab equipment in your garage :P, you can figure it out, otherwise you need someone with a proper sample szie and equipment that has specifically tested this context, which.. i did not google to look,, but unlikely to find such data, i bet RH should be set to give a proper VPD. Lots of debate about what is best here. Again, people using their eyes or experience will not accurately perceive what is going on here. Too many other variables invovled to know which is the actual cause of what you see in a handful of plants. 1.2kPa? 1.5kPa? Also these measurements for calculating vpd need to be taken at the leaf surface and not the atmosphere. The leaf is close to 2C cooler than atmosphere due to evaporation occuring in most cases even with good circulation. While there is an optimal vpd, regardless you'll have to adjust concentration of your fertilizer based on VPD, since it is the primary factor for rate of water uptake. Higher vpd will need a slightly less concentrated fertilizer solution. Concentrations may need to be a little higher than without co2, but this depends on more than one thing. Nutrients just need to be suppled at "critical levels" around the root and not in ratio of how they are used in the plant (been doing some deep reading of proper source material for this knowledge, and not anecdotal). So you may need to water more frequently, but the concentration is probably going to be similar to before... i'd wait before assuming you need 25-33% more concentration to match a likely 25-33% increas in yield. 50-55 DLI is a good starting point for your lights. Trial and error baed on plant growth patterns will be minimal. I believe buddyhighs is correct that you'll end up spending moer per gram in a noticeable way. It's not cost-effective, but contex tmight matter. I'd say it's a godo idea for something akin to -- I have limited space and cannot expand, but it doesn't provide enough as-is. But, if i can go from a 4x4 to a 4x8 with ambient co2, that's the choice i'd make. This will not improve quality of the buds (=99.9% genetics). it will only improve the yield. maybe it's just "fun" to do and that is enough reason, too. each to their own. Primary thing that will maximize the excess co2 is consistency of your environment... and of course a shit-load of light... Probably 33% more than you needed before.
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Ultravioletanswered grow question 3 months ago
9 cardinal rules of growth, 4 above the soil, 5 below. If any one if these 9 run at 50% the entire cycle of photosynthesis/cellular respiration will be capped at the 50%. Then and only then is it worthwhile adding co2. But doing so changes the entire dynamic of how you cool your tent. You can no longer use exhaust fans without wasting most of your co2. The temps need to be increased also to 86 and above, reaaaaaaaaalllly makes a grow tent a tough place to control environmetally especially in flower. Co2 is required more during the day, plant creates its own co2 as a by product of nighttime cellular respiration. Ideally we try to find a light compensation point. Co2 makes up about 0.04% of air roughly. Co2 is dense, if you could visually see it under controlled conditions it would all sit on the bottom 1-2" of any home/basement. Lowest point of the room. If you ha ea 4" inline sucking in the co2 from the floor of the lowest point of a enclosed space/ house with a family of 4 you can maintain 1400ppm no problem and 2k+ with some yeast. Set the hour's of light to match when everyone else in the house sleeps. Good luck. Biggest scam in growing is selling co2 products makes me sick.
Buddyhighsanswered grow question 3 months ago
From what I’ve gathered co2 is not cost effective for the home grower. Your temps will raise them selfs as co2 is a green house gas, but you need more light more feed more water, an air recycling system to stop co2 being dumped by the exhaust. I’ve spoken to a few of growers about this and the results to cost on a home grow is not worth it.
oldskoolkoolanswered grow question 3 months ago
There's a number of things so I'd google it but you're correct with high temps.Co2 done right can increase your yield up to 30%.Iv done it once and my buds were bigger than baseball bats and more like the size of boxing cloves,I kid you not.Iv got 2 dosing units myself but my space needs venting and recirculating seems like hard work at the min but I do want to get it together as I have bought the units.
Scrubbyjimbobanswered grow question 3 months ago
I dunno about it being less effective under 85, but CO2 does allow plants to handle higher temps. Personally I find adding CO2 to a personal grow to be a bit overkill. You run a light that pulls about 270w, you might be able to run your light a couple cm closer. The money would probably be better spent on a light upgrade and after maxing out with that, THEN consider CO2. Remember CO2 is a heavy gas, it will collect at the bottom of your tent, let it "rain down" over your plants. Don't run extraction fans during CO2 infusion.
JeyGaneshaanswered grow question 3 months ago
Ciao Papa_T, guarda,prova ad informarti bene, tu che lampada hai? Per usare la co2 bisogna avere una lampada Buona e soprattutto l'efficacia dei umol/j. Deve essere di 2,9umol/j MINIMO, altrimenti la co2 non fa nessuna differenza metterla o non metterla