Hi Hazeterpz, I dont think your Plant looks ready at all. Green leaves, withe pistils. in wich week of flower are you=?. And back to flushing. Iam not into " classic" flushing. If a plant grows for up to 13 week i dont flush at all. Its such a short period of fertilising and growing. I just give my ladies one shower, and after the shower i continue feeding with molasses, humic acid and a PK booster. The shower is only to give oxygen to the roots.And i dont flush my microbacterial envoirement away. Those microbacterais in the soil keep my plant healthy and helps her do devour the nutrients.
I feed molasses due the whole period,keeping the microbacterias alive . This way i safe lots of nutrients.
As i dont know anything about your plant( feedingschedule, age, time in flower) etc. Its the only answer i can give you. Check the trichomes if they are cloudy